
Tuesday, October 29, 2013



Unfortunately it's that time...midterms. Now that I'm in college I've noticed how much my studying and learning skills effect my grades. I've known for a long time that I am a really slow worker. I'm like a sponge...I like to soak up every little detail. But thats a is to fast paced to be able to soak up every little detail. So a few days ago I downloaded this app called 30/30. You can get it in the app store and its FREE! So basically it's a timer where you make a list of things to do and you have 30 minutes to do a task. What I do is when I am working on homework I make a list of each  class I need to work on. So i'll work on philosophy for 30 minutes then when the times up I switch to the next subject and I keep cycling through. I found that this really gets things done. Many people would work on one subject and would have no time to work on the next subject. So I highly suggest trying this out! You can use it for school, work, fitness, and chores. Anything that suits you. I don't know about you but I LOVE being productive!

Here are some screen shots I got from the app store:

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or sponsored by the app maker and all opinions are my own. 

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