
Tuesday, October 29, 2013



Unfortunately it's that time...midterms. Now that I'm in college I've noticed how much my studying and learning skills effect my grades. I've known for a long time that I am a really slow worker. I'm like a sponge...I like to soak up every little detail. But thats a is to fast paced to be able to soak up every little detail. So a few days ago I downloaded this app called 30/30. You can get it in the app store and its FREE! So basically it's a timer where you make a list of things to do and you have 30 minutes to do a task. What I do is when I am working on homework I make a list of each  class I need to work on. So i'll work on philosophy for 30 minutes then when the times up I switch to the next subject and I keep cycling through. I found that this really gets things done. Many people would work on one subject and would have no time to work on the next subject. So I highly suggest trying this out! You can use it for school, work, fitness, and chores. Anything that suits you. I don't know about you but I LOVE being productive!

Here are some screen shots I got from the app store:

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or sponsored by the app maker and all opinions are my own. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall/Halloween Indoor Decor

Oh it is my favorite time of year! The leaves are beautiful colors, the air has that crisp fire place smell, tea is a hundred times better. The warmth and comfort of sweaters and scarfs just add to the enjoyment. But one of the things I REALLY enjoy doing during the fall is decorating! The decorations for fall are so cute it's hard not to buy everything in store! With that said I'm going to show you how I decorated my room for this time of year.

My mom really enjoys this time of year as well so she likes to pick things up. This leave decoration was from Family Dollar. I looped it in and around my mirror. The mirror already has some leave and flower detailing but I love how this decoration made the mirror look.

As you can see in my mirror in the other photo the bookcase on the other side of the room has spiderweb. I got a bag at CVS which was 2/$5. One bag goes a longgg way. I placed the spiderweb in a way so that it didn't block the things I used on a daily bases. Such as my fish, Howard, who is in the top left corner. Can tell I really enjoy reading?

I also went to The Dollar Tree and pick this little knickknack. I though it was perfect! I was only $1 so I couldn't resist. It surprisingly great quality. It well crafted and pretty heavy. 

Along with the grave knickknack I also picked up this adorable snow globe. It has a cat! I can't turn down anything with a cat. The detail on the bottom is very nice. It has spiders and little graves around it. Again this is superb quality for The Dollar Tree!

You can't go wrong with the beloved pumpkin. This has been around since I was really young. I have been putting this in my room for the last couple of year because my mom has her favorite knickknacks. Since this has been around for a long time I'm not sure where it from. 
Last but not least I have these two little pumpkins on a book shelf near my desk. These also have been around for awhile so I don't know where they are from. You can find many decorations around this time of year and I wouldn't be surprised if you found similar things. I find the The Dollar Tree is not only inexpensive but some decorations are great quality. 
Please leave requests for me to do. 
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Disclaimer: All items purchased by me or my mother.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Filing System

I have two accordion files. One for important things and the second for school related stuff. 
The first accordion is a Hello Kitty accordion file that has six (6) tabs. I've had this agenda for a long time so I'm not sure where I got it. Its held up for quite some time so I'm very please with the quality. 

This accordion is my "School" filing system. Anything over the years of high school that seemed important to keep are in here. The first two tabs are Manuals and Science. Yes, I decided to put my manuals in here because I had no where else to put them. They are out of the way so I don't mind that they are in here. In the science tab I have some periodic tables from chemistry, star maps from astronomy, and some notes that typed up from classes and other helpful things such as that. 

The third and fifth tab are English and Math. I like to keep a lot that has to do with English since it is my favorite subject. I have a lot of informational papers such as: Elements of the Gothic Novel. Then I have a lot of short stories. In my math tab I keep a lot of notes. I'm not the best at math so keeping a lot of notes I can go back to look at is helpful. Then I have the handy formula sheets. 
The last two tabs are self-explanitory. The school tab has things related to school such as report cards, transcript, and scores on those assessment tests. Then last but not least my awards tab houses all my awards I received since 8th grade. 

I'm less likely to go into this accordion on a daily basis but its there if I need something related to school or if I need to look at a manual. 
The one I use most is a black four (4) tab accordion that I got from target a while ago. It was in the $1 section so it isn't the best quality but it does it's job. 
The first two tabs are Taxes and Medical. The tabs in this accordion are self-explanatory. I put all tax related things in the Taxes folder. All the medical related stuff I put in the medical tab. 
The third and fourth tabs are Receipt, and Misc. I put all my online order receipts into the Receipt tab. And I have random credit card mail ("brochures") in the misc. tab for future reference. I also have papers related to cats. I have a 12 year old gray cat who is the world to me. So if I find anything interesting or stuff from the veterinarians I keep in the misc. tab as well. 

Overall I enjoy my filing system. It simple and easy to put stuff away. I go through everything in the files every new year to discard things I no longer need. As I get older my filing system will grow but as I'm still young I don't need a very specific filing system. 

Please feel free to follow and request some posts for me to do!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Klorane and Pond's Review

What's better than taking off your makeup at night? Taking off your makeup with amazing makeup remover is! I got this sample of Klorane makeup remover from when I had a Birchbox membership. Birchbox is a monthly subscription of $10, you receive 4 to 5 deluxe samples of beauty product and a range of other products. This makeup remover was such a joy a to use! It smelt nice, didn't burn the eyes, it wasn't oily. You can purchase the Klorane makeup remover at for $16.

After I remove my eye makeup I use Pond's Luminous Clean makeup wipes. I have tried the original and the Evening Soothe makeup wipes. The Luminous Clean makeup wipes are my favorite because they smell amazing and make my skin feel better than the other wipes do. You can purchase Pond's makeup wipes at and in store. You can also purchase them on or in store.