
Monday, October 27, 2014

De-stress the stress!

Sorry for the disappearance! Working part-time and being a full-time student is a lot to handle! Now that it is mid-semester I have a pretty good load of stress upon my shoulders. So what is better to post about than how I de-stress from all the madness going on.

The biggest de-stresser in my life is having everything planned out. My planner helps me keep organized and sane. I write in all my appointment, due dates, events, homework, etc. So I always know when something is coming up and I don't forget.

 Having my room clean just give me a peace of mind. One less thing to worry about. I love being able to walk into and relax in a nice clean room.

Taking a bath after a long day of class and work give me time to clear my mind. Although it may not look as amazing as the bath in the picture I have provided it is still a treat for your mind and body. 

Don't forget to have fun! Take some time to hang out with your friends and family. Keeping yourself wrapped in work and school is no good for you. So get up and go out!

These are my main de-stressers. What are yours? Make sure to follow and comment! 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to school: School Supply Shopping

I recently picked up some school supplies. Here is what I purchased!

1 Inch Binder:
You can't really tell that this is a binder but I picked up a regular 1 inch white binder. I inserted some scrapbook paper to make the binder pretty! Much cheaper than buying a binder that has a print and I could always change out the paper if I wanted a different look.  I purchased the binder at Target for $2.24.
I'm so excited I found this agenda. I'm in love with agendas. This cover is so pretty and the set up of it is what I like (enough room for all my school assignments!). Also the agenda is removable so you can put the cover on another one.  You can purchase this agenda at Target for $12.99.
5 Subject Notebook:
This semester I am take 4 classes. I was going to be taking five but I decided to drop one because I need more hours for work. I pick up this 5 subject notebook for all my class notes. I did a little DIY and stamped some hearts on the cover with gold paint.  This was purchased at Target for $7.99.
Four 1-subject Notebooks:
I like to color coordinate my classes so I got four different notebooks.
Green = Adolescent Psychology
Blue = Interpersonal Effectiveness
Red = Art Appreciation
Yellow = Brit Literature
These notebooks will be for textbook notes.
Each notebook was purchased at Target for $0.25 each!   
"Pencil Case":
I found this cosmetic case that I thought would be perfect for a pencil case. I'm always filling out my agenda so this can fit all my necessities. I purchased this at Target for $16.99. 

Sticky Notes:
I have a thing for sticky notes so I picked up these long post-it notes at target for $7.23. The small post-its were a $1 at Target and the pack of different sized sticky notes were $1 at Family Dollar.

Fine Liner Pens:
This was the most exciting purchase. I was going to purchase these other fine liner pens but I found these at Micheal's Craft Store for only $4.99 and they work really I HAD to purchase an additional pack. The other ones I was planning on getting sell for around $24!
These are my favorite pens and were only a $1 at Target!
I purchased the new sharpie highlighters! These will be great while reading my textbooks! I purchased these for $4.99 but I had $1.00 off coupon.
I heard these were really good erasers so I decided to pick some up. They were $1.99 at Target.
I also picked up 3 packs of index cards for $0.50 each.
That's all the supplies I purchased. I did forget to pick up some binder dividers but I will eventually do so. What did you get for school?
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Homework Binder

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This is not a binder that you take to school and put all your homework in. This binder is to help you with homework. So to create a homework binder you will need:
  1. A 1/2 inch binder or 1 inch (I use a 1/2 inch but may need to expand)
  2. Any papers that you can use to help you with homework.
Some of the papers I have in my binder are:
  • My major requirement sheet (in the front pocket of the binder)
  • School year calender (I put this in a sheet protector so it doesn't get ruined)
  • Multiplication table
  • Conversion points to percentage chart
  • Roman numeral list
  • Historical dates
  • Study tips
  • How to write a paper
  • Punctuation chart
  • Math formulas
  • Periodic table
  • Common conversion table
  • Maps
  • Analyzing a source
  • Much more! 
Keep this binder on your desk or in your backpack. It comes in handy when your doing homework!
Watch the video I made on mine on my YouTube channel!
Homework Binder Video
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How To Make Flash Cards

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There are many different type of cards you can buy. You can by the regular 3x5 or the many other sizes they come in. You can by some on a spiral or a ring. There are some that come with plastic dividers. Also you can choose to by them in different colors. With the range of cards there are you can come up with a perfect way to make some flash cards. Here is the way I make my flash cards:
  1. Cut 3x5 index cards in half. 
  2. In the upper left hand corner, on the blank side, write the subject (or name of class) of the flash cards; such as Spanish, History, Science, etc. 
  3. Write the word on the blank side. I like to color code my subjects so say I have a red notebook for History then I would go over all the words for this set of flash cards in a red colored pencil. So I can now easily distinguish this set of flashcards is for history. 
  4.  Write the definition of the back of the card with the lines. 
  5. Get a piece of computer paper (or whatever you desire) trace one of your index cards and cut that piece out. Next write what chapter the flashcards are for and go over the words with a red colored pencil. This is what I like to call a "title card".
Things to think about when making flashcards:
  • Marker may show or bleed through the index card. I stick with colored pencils.
  • When reading a chapter from a textbook make a flash card for bold words, people, dates, formulas, places, and questions. 
  • Try to summarize some definitions if they are long.
  • Keep a rubber band around each set of flashcards.
  • When using colored index cards be sure to count how many flashcards you have to make so then you will know whether you have enough of the same colored flashcards. So if you have 20 vocab words make sure you have 20 yellow cards.   

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Desk Tour 2014!

Here is my desk tour!

You can find the desk here. Right now it is $109.88 but I think I got it when it was on sale. I think the company that sells these desks changed the way you assemble them. You don't really have to screw anything in which is go so that the would doesn't split. I found with my past two desks which were from the same company the wood would always split somewhere so hopefully all the furniture they sell is like this desk! I highly recommend this desk!

You can find the chair here. This chair sells for $54.83. I think it is a great deal for a comfortable chair. It was also fairly easy to assemble.

You can find the bookcase here. I've had this bookcase for maybe two years now and its about to fall apart. It sells for $35 on Walmart. But keep in mind it is not the most durable bookcase. I used to move my room around ALL THE TIME which caused the bookcase to start falling apart. So if you get this bookcase and leave it in one place its a great bookcase!

Please leave any questions or requests!

Also make sure to follow so you never miss a post!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A+ Notes!

Now that I am a sophomore in college I have found the technique that works for me so I decided to share how I write my notes.
There are many different methods to take notes and to organize them. I like to keep a 1 subject notebook for each class. I also color code my classes so it is easy to find the notebook I need. Here is an example of a how I would take notes in a notebook. I like to put a label on the notebook instead of writing on the notebook itself so for any reason I could take of the label if I needed to. I also prefer college ruled than wide ruled notebooks.
The first page of the notebook I dedicate it to a Contents page. This is were I can see what chapter notes are on what pages (this is an example that is why I only have Chapter 1). I would also write below the Chapter 1 what exam these notes will be useful for.

This the way I set up my notes. I put the chapter in the right hand corner. I put the main title at the top of the page. I then put the section tile and highlight that in yellow. Subsections are highlighted in pink. Vocab words are underlined.
At the end of the page on the right hand corner mark what page number it is. So when you are finished taking note from the chapter and you end on page 4 of your notebook you would go to your contents page and write that in. So then you would know Chapter 1 notes are on pages 1-4.

I hope this gave you some inspiration. It definitely keeps me organized and it also keeps me interested in studying since it is easy to read.

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Getting Your First Job!

Here I will give you some tips to land you your first job and tips to be successful! I got my first job at my college I attend. I was a Student Clerical Assistant in the Human Resource and Pay Roll Office. It was a nice job and looks great on my resume.

1. Interview Ready!
When the job you applied for asks you to come in for an interview make sure you have an appropriate outfit. You should wear something office appropriate even if it is a fast food restaurant you are applying to. This will make you look professional. I would suggest a nice shirt that isn't revealing with a blazer and some pants or a nice dress that again isn't revealing. Before the interview print a copy of your resume and cover letter and put it in a folder to bring with you. Also make sure you have your ID and your social security card (if you have one).
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2.  Manners
Always talk politely and professionally with your future or current coworkers.
3.  Learn the Duties
Go over all the duties you have to do on day-to-day bases. Make sure to listen closely to those who are trying to teach you. When I worked in the office I asked for a sheet on how to correctly answer and use the phones. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
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4. Late or missed days
Always call your supervisor if you are going to be late or out for the day.
5. Keep a planner!
Planners are essential to being organized. Write when you are working so you never miss a day. 
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6. Resume
Don’t forget to add this job to your resume. Write the skills your gained from this job such as answering phones correctly or being detail oriented.