
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Semester 1-United States History II

My United States History II course is about the 1800s to modern day. I was not always a fan of history but now that I'm older I find a lot of it interesting. My professor for this course makes this course fun. Though she does give lectures she also gives us group work. The only down side of group work is that I'm the one the usually leads the group and does what needs to be done. The course is made up of reading the textbook and assigned articles. We also have wiki assignments that are easy to do.
This requires only one book which is:
One the back of the book is says..."America's brief, readable analysis makes it an invaluable resource for instructors seeking to expand and enliven their students' understanding of our nation's social, political, and economic history. America provides a balanced, multidimensional narrative that helps students see what's important, and the discussion provoking primary sources, informative maps and figures, and lively art keep them engaged".

The textbook is easy to read and does have engaging maps, figures, and art.
You can purchase this book at Barnes and Noble.

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