
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Homework Binder

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This is not a binder that you take to school and put all your homework in. This binder is to help you with homework. So to create a homework binder you will need:
  1. A 1/2 inch binder or 1 inch (I use a 1/2 inch but may need to expand)
  2. Any papers that you can use to help you with homework.
Some of the papers I have in my binder are:
  • My major requirement sheet (in the front pocket of the binder)
  • School year calender (I put this in a sheet protector so it doesn't get ruined)
  • Multiplication table
  • Conversion points to percentage chart
  • Roman numeral list
  • Historical dates
  • Study tips
  • How to write a paper
  • Punctuation chart
  • Math formulas
  • Periodic table
  • Common conversion table
  • Maps
  • Analyzing a source
  • Much more! 
Keep this binder on your desk or in your backpack. It comes in handy when your doing homework!
Watch the video I made on mine on my YouTube channel!
Homework Binder Video
Please follow and leave requests <3

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How To Make Flash Cards

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There are many different type of cards you can buy. You can by the regular 3x5 or the many other sizes they come in. You can by some on a spiral or a ring. There are some that come with plastic dividers. Also you can choose to by them in different colors. With the range of cards there are you can come up with a perfect way to make some flash cards. Here is the way I make my flash cards:
  1. Cut 3x5 index cards in half. 
  2. In the upper left hand corner, on the blank side, write the subject (or name of class) of the flash cards; such as Spanish, History, Science, etc. 
  3. Write the word on the blank side. I like to color code my subjects so say I have a red notebook for History then I would go over all the words for this set of flash cards in a red colored pencil. So I can now easily distinguish this set of flashcards is for history. 
  4.  Write the definition of the back of the card with the lines. 
  5. Get a piece of computer paper (or whatever you desire) trace one of your index cards and cut that piece out. Next write what chapter the flashcards are for and go over the words with a red colored pencil. This is what I like to call a "title card".
Things to think about when making flashcards:
  • Marker may show or bleed through the index card. I stick with colored pencils.
  • When reading a chapter from a textbook make a flash card for bold words, people, dates, formulas, places, and questions. 
  • Try to summarize some definitions if they are long.
  • Keep a rubber band around each set of flashcards.
  • When using colored index cards be sure to count how many flashcards you have to make so then you will know whether you have enough of the same colored flashcards. So if you have 20 vocab words make sure you have 20 yellow cards.