
Monday, October 27, 2014

De-stress the stress!

Sorry for the disappearance! Working part-time and being a full-time student is a lot to handle! Now that it is mid-semester I have a pretty good load of stress upon my shoulders. So what is better to post about than how I de-stress from all the madness going on.

The biggest de-stresser in my life is having everything planned out. My planner helps me keep organized and sane. I write in all my appointment, due dates, events, homework, etc. So I always know when something is coming up and I don't forget.

 Having my room clean just give me a peace of mind. One less thing to worry about. I love being able to walk into and relax in a nice clean room.

Taking a bath after a long day of class and work give me time to clear my mind. Although it may not look as amazing as the bath in the picture I have provided it is still a treat for your mind and body. 

Don't forget to have fun! Take some time to hang out with your friends and family. Keeping yourself wrapped in work and school is no good for you. So get up and go out!

These are my main de-stressers. What are yours? Make sure to follow and comment!