
Friday, August 15, 2014

Back to school: School Supply Shopping

I recently picked up some school supplies. Here is what I purchased!

1 Inch Binder:
You can't really tell that this is a binder but I picked up a regular 1 inch white binder. I inserted some scrapbook paper to make the binder pretty! Much cheaper than buying a binder that has a print and I could always change out the paper if I wanted a different look.  I purchased the binder at Target for $2.24.
I'm so excited I found this agenda. I'm in love with agendas. This cover is so pretty and the set up of it is what I like (enough room for all my school assignments!). Also the agenda is removable so you can put the cover on another one.  You can purchase this agenda at Target for $12.99.
5 Subject Notebook:
This semester I am take 4 classes. I was going to be taking five but I decided to drop one because I need more hours for work. I pick up this 5 subject notebook for all my class notes. I did a little DIY and stamped some hearts on the cover with gold paint.  This was purchased at Target for $7.99.
Four 1-subject Notebooks:
I like to color coordinate my classes so I got four different notebooks.
Green = Adolescent Psychology
Blue = Interpersonal Effectiveness
Red = Art Appreciation
Yellow = Brit Literature
These notebooks will be for textbook notes.
Each notebook was purchased at Target for $0.25 each!   
"Pencil Case":
I found this cosmetic case that I thought would be perfect for a pencil case. I'm always filling out my agenda so this can fit all my necessities. I purchased this at Target for $16.99. 

Sticky Notes:
I have a thing for sticky notes so I picked up these long post-it notes at target for $7.23. The small post-its were a $1 at Target and the pack of different sized sticky notes were $1 at Family Dollar.

Fine Liner Pens:
This was the most exciting purchase. I was going to purchase these other fine liner pens but I found these at Micheal's Craft Store for only $4.99 and they work really I HAD to purchase an additional pack. The other ones I was planning on getting sell for around $24!
These are my favorite pens and were only a $1 at Target!
I purchased the new sharpie highlighters! These will be great while reading my textbooks! I purchased these for $4.99 but I had $1.00 off coupon.
I heard these were really good erasers so I decided to pick some up. They were $1.99 at Target.
I also picked up 3 packs of index cards for $0.50 each.
That's all the supplies I purchased. I did forget to pick up some binder dividers but I will eventually do so. What did you get for school?
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