
Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Top 8 Favorite Non-Scary Halloween Movies

Its my favorite time of year!
  1. Halloween Town Series!
Yes, I am 18 years old and I'm in love with Disney Channel halloween movies. When I was younger I would be so excited to watch them and I still do!
DescriptionMarnie, Dylan, and Sophie Piper have their first out of many adventures! On Halloween, while Marnie is arguing with her mother Gwen, the kids' grandmother Aggie comes to visit. Aggie wants to start Marnie's witch training before her 13th birthday or Marnie will lose her powers forever. But there is another reason for Aggie's visit. Something dark & evil is growing in Halloweentown & Aggie wants help to defeat it. While Aggie & Gwen are arguing, Aggie uses magic which Marnie observes. After Aggie leaves to return to Halloweentown, Marnie, Dylan and, unknown to Marnie and Dylan, Sophie follow her onto the return bus. Soon afterwards, Gwen follows the children to Halloweentown. While there, Aggie & Gwen are attacked by the dark force in a movie theater. Marnie, Dylan & Sophie race to get the ingredients to activate Merlin's Wand to stop the evil. Description from IMDb.
2. Harry Potter Series
Even though this is not a strictly halloween favorite, watching these movies during this time of year is so much better.
3. The Good Witch Series
DescriptionCassandra "Cassie" Nightingale is a raven-haired enchantress with a hint of magic who moves into the town of Middleton's haunted Grey House. As if that weren't unusual enough, she also opens "Bell, Book and Candle," a wondrous shop full of unique items. For some, including the capiivated Police Chief Jake Russell, Cassie is a breath of fresh air and a love potion that spreads throughout the town. But before she can truly become part of Middleton, she will need to win over some of the more skeptical neighbors who don't approve of her unique ways. Description from Hallmark Channel website.

4. Hocus Pocus
This has been a favorite of mine for many years. Such a good movie to get into the halloween spirit!
DescriptionAfter 300 years, three sister witches are resurrected in Salem Massachusetts on Halloween night, and it us up to two teenagers, a young girl, and an immortal cat to put an end to the witches reign of terror once and for all. Description from IMDb.
5. Casper Meets Wendy
Casper the ghost is a classic! Got to love that friendly ghost.
DescriptionCasper, a ghost, teams up with Wendy, a witch, against an evil warlock. Description for IMDb.
6. The Haunted Mansion
A wonderful "scary" movie that is a bit funny.
DescriptionWorkaholic realtor Jim Evers, his wife/business partner Sara and their two children are summoned to a mansion. When they discover that the place is haunted, Jim discovers an important lesson about the family he's neglected as they attempt to escape. Description from IMDb.
7. Corpse Bride
DescriptionWhen a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her.  Description from IMDb.

8. The Tower of Terror
As you can tell I'm a huge fan of Disney Channel movies.
DescriptionThe film starts out when 5 people walk into an elevator, but something goes very wrong. The elevator collapses 11 floors and the five people roam around the hotel as ghosts. 60 years later, reporter Buzzy (Steve Guttenberg) and his niece Anna (Kirsten Dunst) are trying to find out the mystery of the hotel. An old lady named Abigail tells them that if they find a belonging of each person on the elevator they will be free from the hotel. Written by Cory Thompson.

I recommend watching all of these movies. By yourself, with your family, or your pets! If you have children these are perfect movies for them. I would suggest watching them just in case you feel they are not appropriate for them. They all should be kid friendly. I certainly enjoyed them when I was younger and still do! 
Please feel free to leave request for me to do!

Where have I been?!

I started my first year of college on September 5! To add to that my boyfriend came home on emergency leave. So I have spent my time getting use to college life and spending time with my boyfriend for the seven days he had to spend at home. College is SO different compared to high school. I'm finally getting used to my class schedule and the homework. I'm still here and ready to add more to the blog!